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17/02/2025 |
Piano Ha actuado en las mejores salas del todo el mundo (Bulgaria Hall de Sofia, Ateneo G. Enescu de Bucarest, Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla, Auditorio Nacional de Madrid, National Concert Hall de Taipei, Carnegie Hall de Nueva York) y colaborado como solista con las Orquestas Sinfónicas de RTVE, Clásica de España, Córdoba, Sevilla, Galicia, Castilla-León, Valencia, Málaga, Murcia, G. Enesco de Bucarest, Brasov, Estatal de Transilvania (Rumania), Filarmónica de Medellín (Colombia), Filarmonía Podkarpacka (Polonia), Kenosha, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Garland, Las Colinas y New Arlington (Estados Unidos), así como con la Orquesta de Cámara Reina Sofía, Solisti di Praga... Ha grabado la integral de los estudios de Chopin y Goyescas de Granados, para el sello Verso; discos junto al contrabajista italiano Alberto Bocini, Cuarteto Leonor y José Luis Estellés, Ludmil Angelov y Neopercusión, el violinista Vicente Cueva, “No Seasons” junto a Ara Malikian y la Orquesta de Cámara Non-Profit, “Looking back over Chopin” junto a Andreas Prittwitz. Es Director Artístico del ciclo Cita con los Clásicos desde 2010, y desde 2014 del Festival que organiza Sierra Musical. A partir de septiembre 2016 será profesor de piano en el grado superior y máster, que ofrece el Centro Superior de Enseñanza Musical Katarina Gurska, en Madrid. Daniel del Pino is one of the leading Spanish concert pianists in the international scene. He has performed on all five continents at the most prestigious venues all over Europe, Morocco, Tunisia, all over the Middle-East, Gabon, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Australia, and in the U.S.A. (Carnegie Hall in New York). He has been a soloist with most Spanish orchestras: and the Meadows, Garland, Las Colinas, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Medellín, Virtuosi di Praga, Bucharest Philarmonic “George Enescu” (Romania), and Transilvania State Symphony Orchestras among others. He is a frequent guest at numerous festivals worldwide, Segovia, Valencia, Vigo, Gijón, Cadaqués, Ubeda, Ayamonte, Itu (Brasil), Morelia Festival (Mexico), Verbier (Switzerland), Musifleuves, Piano en Saintonge and Cap Ferret Festival (France), Chamber Music International (Dallas, USA), Newport Music Festival (USA) for fifteen consecutive years, and the Haifa Chamber Music Society (Israel). He has premiered works by José Zárate, Elena Kats-Chernin, Nikolai Kapustin, Jorge Grundman, Francisco Lara and Antón García-Abril, among others. Daniel del Pino was born in Lebanon in 1972 of spanish parents. He studied in Rabat (Morocco), Madrid (Spain), Yale University and at SMU in Dallas (USA). His teachers were Marisa Villalba, Julián López-Gimeno, Peter Frankl and Joaquín Achúcarro. He was a Piano Professor at the Toledo Conservatory in Spain and is currently part of the Faculty at Musikene (Superior Conservatory of the Basque Country). He has recorded the complete Chopin etudes and the complete Goyescas by Granados under the label Verso, the CD “Live in Villa San Lorenzo” with the double-bassist Alberto Bocini, as well as the CDs “Minds” and “No Seasons” with violinist Ara Malikian and the Non-Profit Chamber Orchestra, “2+2 4 Kapustin” with music by Kapustin with premiere recordings of his concerto for two pianos and percussion along with Ludmil Angelov and Neopercusion. In 2012 his CD “Looking back over Chopin” (with Andreas Prittwitz) was released. This CD was recorded and presented at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. Since 2010 he serves as the Artistic Director of the concert series “Cita con los Clásicos”, in Guadarrama and from 2014 also from the Festival that is organized by Sierra Musical around Madrid. He is part of the faculty as a piano professor at Centro Superior Katarina Gurska, in Madrid. |
Asociación Cultural Béla Bartók
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